
Astrology is the knowledge that shows the purpose of our existence as human beings on earth. It deals with the influence of the forces of stars and planets on human beings. The human body is part of existence and the movement of celestial bodies affects us. Astrology believes that everything on Earth is controlled by celestial bodies otherwise predictions are completely impossible.

Based on Vedic astrology, this course explains the importance of planets in our lives. A horoscope is a celestial map of the time when a person is born, the position of planets in different signs is the key to predicting events. A person's birth chart tells many details about the person's future. After completing this course, you can read a person's birth chart. You must remember that the knowledge of astrology cannot change a person's fate, but helps to step into an unknown direction.

Introduction; The Zodiac; Elements     

Meaning of the Signs, Elements of the Signs, Qualities of the Signs, Odd and Even Signs, Sheershodaya & Prishtodaya Signs, Direction, Colors, Caste, Fruitful and Barren Signs, Masculine & Feminine Signs, Places, Other Major Qualities

Meaning of the Twelve Houses, Types and Classifications of Houses

Planets and their Characteristics, Planetary Relationship, Exaltation, Debilitation & Mooltrikona, Natural Karakas, Karakas in Jaimini Astrology

Natural Benefic and Malefic Planets, Gender; Color; Caste; Guna and Places; Planet and Tastes; Nature of Planet; Elements; Metals; Age; Cloth and Height; Vegetable and Fruits; Physical Constituents and Tendency; Maturity Age of Planets; Planetary Aspects; Seasons

Strength of Planets based on its degrees, Direction; Direction Strength; Maran Karaka Sthana; Yog Karaka; Vargottam Planet; Shadabala

Understand the Meaning - 

  • Retrograde Planet
  • Combust Planet
  • Gandanta
  1. Study material will be provided
  2. Recordings of every class is available
  • 14 hours of live sessions
  • Learn various astrological concepts with practical examples
  • Mode - Online Classes
  • Course Fees - INR 6,000