Financial Modelling and Valuation


In today’s business environment financial modelling is one of the most desired skills for finance professionals in the country. It is a way of presenting a company’s operations in spreadsheets that can be used to make important business decisions. A model consists of a large amount of numerical data which are used in strategic planning to test various changing circumstances. An impeccable model not only mitigates business risk but also helps in the decision-making process.

The success of the financial model depends on its accurate projections. In various unpredictable scenarios, the precision in projections totally depends on the analyst’s acumen and his understanding of the company. This requires an efficient analysis of the company’s business operations and historical data.

The course has been designed for finance professionals to learn how to create a financial model from scratch. Candidates will be able to develop an integrated financial model including the inter-relationship between the key financial statements.

They will learn about projections of revenue, income statement, balance sheet, and valuations based on DCF, Relative Valuation, and the SOTP method.  After completion of the model, one will learn how to do sensitivity analysis along with the preparation of research reports. They will also know IPO valuation and how to critically analyze various business fundamentals and policy environment and their impact on financial performance of the company.

  • Key factors about industry and economy
  • Important ratios and its interpretations
  • Every student must imbibe the basic concepts in finance before preparing a Financial Model

  • How to read annual reports
  • Wisely interpret the given information
  • Among all the information that is publicly available what are the main source to get all these data

  • Before starting a model, it is advisable to go through all the written material available about the company.
  • How to populate the historical numbers
  • Identification of business drivers
  • Modelling assumptions for future actions

  • Calculate the free cash flow and do valuations based on different valuations techniques
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method
  • Relative Valuation
  • Sum-of-the-parts method

  • To identify the impact of various scenario it is good to incorporate the sensitivity analysis in our model.
  • It is useful to assess the risk in various changing circumstances. When one variable change what will be the effect on others.

  • We must have a clear view about the company, its business operations and key growth drivers. The report must include the following -
    • Investment Rationale 

    • Cost and revenue drivers 

    • Company’s business operations

    • Financial performance

    • Outlook and recommendation

    • Key risks

  • Based on relative valuation techniques, value of company’s share is determined by taking into account the value of its peers.
  • We will learn also how to value a company in case when no peer is available.
  • PDF report of power point presentation of each class
  • Recordings of every class
  • Learn through 5 different models
  • Homework to clear the concept
  • 30 hours live sessions
  • Learn through practical examples
  • You will be able to prepare a model from scratch
  • Course Completion Certificate will be issued
  • Course Fee – INR 16,000
  • Discounted Price - INR 10,000